About the department

The Intellectual security right is one of the most effective mechanism of the regulation of the social, economical, scientific, innovative and market policy of the world community. That has been caused by the influence of general processes, which are showed in the establishment of economical ties, enlargement of commercial and industrial trades, creation and the development of the local, regional and world markets.

The Intellectual property department was created with the aim of providing the effective usage of the intellectual property objects, by which have been created by the university workers and third persons and the usage of the modern leadership methods.

The Intellectual property department is the scientific subdivision and is guided by Ukrainian Constitution in its work, the laws,  regulations of  Verhovna Rada, bills of the President and the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, Ministry  of  education and by the others normative and regulatory bills, concerning inventive activity.

The department realizes its activity in the single complex of the educational, scientific and technical activity, the department is guided by the vice-rector of scientific work.

The main tasks of the department are the following:

1)Organization and supply of the modern methods of management in the sphere of intellectual property.

2)Securing the protection and the lawful use of the objects of intellectual property, which are up to the requirement of world and national market.

3)Conduction of an expert opinion concerning commercial potential of the results of scientific activity, with the aim to determine the most perspective objects and directions, which can present commercial interest.

4)Obtain the rights of the intellectual property by the university, created as a result of its scientific, technical and educational activity, their advancement and transmission in manufacture sphere.

5)Informational supply of the creation, guard, maintenance and commercialization of intellectual property objects.

6)Perform with the help of others subdivisions of the university analyses of scientific works, which are planned to perform, prediction of their results for the purpose to determine patentable intellectual property objects, which have commercial potential.

7)The department takes part in preparation and presentation of the documents, concerning intellectual property objects to the determined institutions for patenting.

8)The department takes part in preparation and ensuring the conclusion of a treaty with the authors of realization intellectual property objects and perform the control over their accomplishment.

9)Use the preventive measures that unable the break of the property law while using intellectual property.

10)The department provides consultative, legal, informational help to the workers and students in realization personal property and non-pecuniary rights concerning intellectual property objects, which belong to them.

11)The department perform approaches of study organization and extension of professional skill in intellectual property sphere and the realization of the use of intellectual property objects, the department takes part in students’ and teaching stuff instruction.

12)The department registers and presents report in the legal guard of the intellectual property objects.

The department analyses the state of scientific activity of the university and its subdivisions in the intellectual property sphere, presents a ways for its improvement.